Arizona Department of Child Safety
Phone: Child Abuse Hotline 1-888-767-2445
When children enter foster care, they often have little time to pack their belongings. To help provide some comfort to these children when they need it most, Larry H. Miller Dealerships partnered with DCS in 2021 to launch its annual Luggage of Love drive.
What is Luggage of Love?
For one month during the spring, 12 Larry H. Miller dealerships in Phoenix and Tucson collect brand new suitcases to support children served by DCS.
Each suitcase is filled with pajamas, pillows, blankets and socks. All items must be new and unused.
Why Does it Matter?
A Larry H. Miller employee expressed how important it is to help kids entering foster care: “Through our partnership with DCS, we’ve learned how traumatic and heartbreaking this experience can be, and we simply want children to have hope for better days ahead. If we can make a positive impact on their lives through our donations of suitcases and basic items of comfort, like pajamas, socks and pillows, then it’s an honor and privilege to do so.”
During the first Luggage of Love campaign in 2021 Larry H. Miller dealerships collected 320 suitcases, 415 blankets, 296 pillows, 843 pajamas, and 244 packages of socks, valued at $94,165. The total donations from 2021, 2022 and 2023 drives yielded nearly $300,000 worth of donations.
There are about 9,000 Arizona children in foster care, and all of them have experienced a sense of loss. Children of all ages enter foster care through no fault of their own. Luggage of Love provides an opportunity for small items to provide a big impact. We appreciate the kindness and generosity of Larry H. Miller, its staff, customers, and community.
How Can You Get Involved?
For more information on Luggage of Love,
and how you can help, please email
Rayetta Sanchez, DCS Community Liaison: [email protected].