Arizona Department of Child Safety
Phone: Child Abuse Hotline 1-888-767-2445
WHEREAS, the State of Arizona recognizes the importance of giving children who cannot safely reunify with their birth families a permanent, safe, and nurturing family through adoption; and WHEREAS, state and private agencies work collaboratively with the courts, community members and, members of faith-based organizations to unite children and adults through the process of adoption; and WHEREAS, adoption places children into loving, permanent homes where they can flourish and grow up to become happy, healthy, productive members of our community; and WHEREAS, adopting a child is a great joy but also a great responsibility for adoptive families and the communities who support the families who care for them; and WHEREAS, every successful adoption is more than an achievement for these children and their adoptive families; it is a story in which all Arizonans can share. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Douglas A. Ducey, Governor of the State of Arizona, do hereby proclaim November 2017 as ARIZONA ADOPTION AWARENESS MONTH and urge all citizens, communities, and support organizations to renew our commitment to match all children who need a forever family with a loving, adoptive family. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, l have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Arizona
GOVERNOR DONE at the Capitol in Phoenix on this thirty-first day of October in the year Two Thousand and Seventeen and of the Independence of the United States of America the Two Hundred and Forty-Second.