Who can request early intervention services for the child in my care?
If you have a child in care under three-years-old, the DCS specialist will refer them to the Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP). AzEIP is a statewide system of services for infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities. You can find more informaion here. https://des.az.gov/services/disabilities/developmental-infantÂ
Older children and youth can receive special education and other services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). You can contact your child's school district to request an assessment.
What documents are needed to roll the child in care in school?
According to federal law, schools must enroll foster children whether or not the foster parent has all of the required documentation. You should be able to enroll the child with the Notice to Provider that was given to you by the DCS specialist. You do not have to have the child's birth certificate, immunization records, or prior school transcripts to enroll the child in school.
If you experience any trouble enrolling the child in school, please contact your school district's ESSA liaison; you can find contact information for your school district's liaison here: https://www.azed.gov/fostercare/foster-care-liaisons
Where can I learn more about stages of child development?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has information on developmental milestones for children and information on basic health, positive parenting skills, and safety issues. You can visit there website here: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html
Who is responsible for transporting the child in care if the child remains enrolled in the school of origin?
The DCS specialist will discuss with the out-of-home caregiver and other team members to ensure transportation to school. Transportation options include: caregiver or another responsible adult transports the child directly to school or a designated school bus stop; car pool approved by caregiver; school provides transportation through a bus route or other service; public transportation, if appropriate to the child’s age and safety needs; or a DCS transportation vendor.
How can I figure out if sexual behaviors are typical or problematic for my child's age?
You can click here for a list of sexual behaviors based on a child's age: https://azfamilyresources.org/pdf/TypicalandProblematicSexualBehaviorsinChildren.pdfÂ
What information can I share with the school?
You may share information with school staff that is relevant to the education of the child, including  trauma history or behavior that affects the child's ability to learn and interact at school.
Are there any guidelines for children and digital media use (computers, smart phones, etc.)?
The American Academy of Pediatrics has created guidelines and a toolkit for children using digital media. You can find the toolkit here: https://www.aap.org/en-us/advocacy-and-policy/aap-health-initiatives/Pages/Media-and-Children.aspxÂ
Can the child in my care be photographed or videotaped for the yearbook, school videos, and other school venues?
Children in care can be photographed for school yearbooks, videos, etc. However, children should not be identified as a foster child in any publication.
Can I sign the paperwork to enroll the child in my care in extracurricular activities and/or attend field trips?
Yes. The Notice to Provider allows you to sign permission slips from school and register the child in sports and other extracurricular activities.Â
What should I do if the child in my care is suspended or expelled from school?
 If your child in care receives a suspension or an expulsion, please complete an Unusual Incident Report form.
 If a pattern of behavior emerges or the behavior prohibits the student's ability to receive an education, then an IEP or a 504 Plan may be necessary. If a child already has an IEP, the behavior plan should be reviewed or revised.
How can I stay informed about my child's academic progress?
Most schools offer parents an online portal where they can monitor their child's progress. You can contact your child's school for information on how to access the portal. As a foster caregiver, you are entitled to have access to this system.
Where can I get basic information about the special education process?
You can find basic informaion about special education on the Arizona Department of Education's website: https://www.azed.gov/specialeducation
What is an Individual Education Program (IEP)?
Any child who qualifies for special education services has an IEP. The IEP is a plan tailored specifically to the individual child's needs. The IEP is intended to help the child succeed in the classroom. IEP's are created with input from teachers, counselors, parents, and the student. For more information, you can visit the Arizona Department of Education's website: https://www.azed.gov/specialeducationÂ
What is the difference between a 504 plan and an IEP?
A 504 plan provides the student with accommodations in their current classrooms. IEPs provide special education services outside of their current classroom.
For details about qualifying disabilities and other differences between 504 plans and IEPs, review A Parent and Educator Guide to Section 504 from the U.S. Department of Education: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/504-resource-guide-201612.pdf
How does a student get an IEP?
There are ten major steps for a student to get an IEP:
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